Color Palette

Color is a powerful way to build brand recognition and visually communicate brand values. The OrderUp color palette is built around the full color logo. Assets rendered on the internet must be converted to the RGB or HEX values listed below. Materials printed in 4-color process should use CMYK values, use Pantone colors when available.

CMYK 14 97 79 4
RGB 202 44 61
PMS 201C
CMYK 0 36 71 0
RGB 246 146 30
PMS 715C
CMYK 23 2 0 77
RGB 79 95 102
PMS 432C
CMYK 0 0 0 0
RGB 255 255 255

Percentage of Usage

Strive to utilize the colors in the indicated percentages. Red and Orange should dominate marketing material, with Orange mainly used as a background color. Use yellow sparingly as an accent and gray as a neutral color. White is most commonly used for text color.

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